Axialis CursorWorkshop - This version supports static and animated with alpha channel and includes numerous new features.
A professional tool. Create professional static and Animated Cursors in minutes using built-in assistants.
Create cursors using drag & drop. Assemble image objects to create perfect-looking cursors using a few mouse drag & drops.
Compatible with graphic industry standards
You can create cursors from PNG, PSD, JPEG 2000 images with alpha transparency, create animated cursors from GIF images, use Photoshop and Illustrator transfer plug-ins...
Powerful features:
Ability to create cursors compatible with all versions of Windows including the latest XP and Vista formats with alpha channel
Opens images with alpha channel to create cursors (smooth transparency, shadows and image borders)
Create attractive cursors using ready-to-use Image Object Packs.
Transfer images from Adobe Photoshop using a plug-in (through memory - no more temporary PSD file)
Transfer images from Adobe Illustrator using a plug-in (through memory - no more temporary PNG file)
Supports CUL Cursor Libraries Create/Load/Save
Imports/Exports Adobeåº Photoshop PSD images with layers
Imports/Exports PNG, JPEG2000 and BMP with smooth transparency alpha channel
Import/Export Adobe Photoshopåº PSD images with layers
Batch create PNG, JPEG2000, PSD or BMP images from cursors (several cursors at once)
Batch create static and animated cursor from images (several cursors at once)
Create cursor or library snapshot images (create an image showing all the image formats or frames embedded in a cursor or a library)..
Contains several image filters (blur, smooth, sharpen, details, Contour, emboss...)
Contains several image adjustments (Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Contrast...)
Contains several image tools (Resize, Rotation at any angle, flip...)...